OVERBITE/UNDERBITE (co-curated by Darren Bader and Mirabelle Marden)
The marquis of the artist’s rise into visibility
The marquis of the artist’s rise into visibility
a. From the creaky palm or seat of the studio out into the lamp of the art-riding public. This is always a heralded event, oft nurtured by the sympathies of those who are intimate with this sympathy. But the herald is rarely efficient enough to accommodate the vantage so needed by the artist to continue her own craft as she had dreamed it.
Here are heralds to bare the artists’ ‘banners’, hoping that the art regales all who would care enough, and that those who care plenty would remember the art dear to them.
b. Geography is often invoked to lend identity to ever-more-proliferating artworks. For example, everything in this gallery is from the geopolitical entity known most widely as the U.S.A. This is an understandable expedient, and sometimes a necessary one. But does it do a service to the art itself?
c. The human comedy, the human dance. Here are some peers. Who made, and hope to make again. Providing, as always: mystic polyps; adumbrations of false-but-kind prophecy; concretions of famous magic; decay+birth of lines+lines; marks of faith, of loss, of increase, of gaiety; brilliance in the shade, sun in the blankets; allegiances and dissonances; a resolve to breathe when it’s over.
d. a resolve to share. How little we’ve remembered to remember that art –this thing which has assumed many dubious heads that seem to belittle its inextinguishable qualities of comfort in the face of loss– that art is there to be remembered. like a good friend.
May this show be about friendship. A real hello between people and the world they experience. “No exhibition an island!”, they say. Yes, and what of it? Hopefully this show can provide whoever’s reading this some companionship and some resistance to the oblivion of “what comes next”.
- Darren Bader and Mirabelle Marden -
Here are heralds to bare the artists’ ‘banners’, hoping that the art regales all who would care enough, and that those who care plenty would remember the art dear to them.
b. Geography is often invoked to lend identity to ever-more-proliferating artworks. For example, everything in this gallery is from the geopolitical entity known most widely as the U.S.A. This is an understandable expedient, and sometimes a necessary one. But does it do a service to the art itself?
c. The human comedy, the human dance. Here are some peers. Who made, and hope to make again. Providing, as always: mystic polyps; adumbrations of false-but-kind prophecy; concretions of famous magic; decay+birth of lines+lines; marks of faith, of loss, of increase, of gaiety; brilliance in the shade, sun in the blankets; allegiances and dissonances; a resolve to breathe when it’s over.
d. a resolve to share. How little we’ve remembered to remember that art –this thing which has assumed many dubious heads that seem to belittle its inextinguishable qualities of comfort in the face of loss– that art is there to be remembered. like a good friend.
May this show be about friendship. A real hello between people and the world they experience. “No exhibition an island!”, they say. Yes, and what of it? Hopefully this show can provide whoever’s reading this some companionship and some resistance to the oblivion of “what comes next”.
- Darren Bader and Mirabelle Marden -